Study Division

Contact persons

RNDr. Martin Švec, Ph.D., Vice-dean for Studies
Phone: +420 475 283 186

Alena Nováková
Phone: +420 475 283 182
(Full-time study – two-subject bachelor’s degree program, Education in natural sciences, Information systems, Mathematical informatics, Mathematics and its application in natural sciences, master’s degree program, Computer modelling in science and technology, doctoral program, state final examinations)

Jitka Králová

Phone: +420 475 283 185
(Full-time study – single-subject bachelor’s degree program – Geography, Geography of Central Europe, Toxicology, Building chemistry, Biology, Aplicated nanotechnologies, follow-up master’s degree programs, combined study, Erasmus)

Renata Postlová
Phone: +420 475 283 224
Email: (STAG)

Office Hours:

Monday          13.30 – 15.30
Tuesday         09.00 – 11.00
Wednesday    13.30 – 15.30
Thursday        09.00 – 11.00
Friday             closed


University Advice Centre

Every student is able in case of need to use the services of the University Advice Centre (, phone: +420 475 282 343, address: 13 Hoření, office No 127, ground floor, Usti nad Labem 400 96) which offers free of charge study-orienting, academic and professional advice. At the Department of Psychology of Pedagogical Faculty is in operation Psychological counselling service which helps students to sort out their academic problems, examines and removes causes of failure, and also offers professional support with problems of personal and interpersonal nature.

For more information go to