SP Applied Geoinformatics (Bc.)

Full-time study / Combined study

The study program Applied Geoinformatics provides a comprehensive view of the issue of obtaining and processing environmental data using modern technologies. The study program presents the main environmental problems associated with the development of society (eg land use changes, water resource problems, demographic growth) so that the graduate is able to identify these problems in practice at various levels and understand their causes. In the segment of geoinformatics disciplines (eg Geographic Information Systems, Remote sensing, geodetic methods) the future graduate is led to the ability to independently design suitable data sources, methods of field data acquisition, innovative way of their processing, visualization and interpretation. During the study, the emphasis is on active mentoring, thanks to which the student participates in specific project and research oriented educational tasks in a diverse environment (laboratory, field, in the Czech Republic and abroad) and gains experience in designing their own procedures for data acquisition, processing and presentation.

The graduate of the Bachelor’s degree program Applied Geoiformatics will find employment in the fields of information science, spatial data, geoinformatics and the environment.
Employment in the labor market is due to this enumeration of disciplines quite flexible – the graduate can work as an IT specialist focused on the management of computer networks, websites in the public and private spheres. Furthermore, as a geoinformatic in public administration (nature and landscape protection, land register, territorial self-government), but also in the private sector (collection and processing of spatial data in a surveying firm, photogrammetric images processing, geodata management). Graduates can also find employment in the private sector in the field of the use of natural resources and landscape revitalization, or in research.

The graduate may continue his / her master’s degree in any of the study programs offered at UJEP or at another university.

Examples of typical positions are based on the graduate profile:

• IT specialist in the private and state sectors (computer network administrator, website administration)

• geoinformatics in public administration (nature and landscape protection, land register, territorial self-government, map server administration, spatial data collection)

• specialist in a private company focused on the collection and processing of spatial data (surveying firms, photogrammetry firms)

• geodata management specialist in the private sector.

• specialist focused on the use of GIS in the private / state sphere in the field of natural resource use, landscape revitalization, risk management

• researcher