SP Applied Nanotechnology (Ph.D.)

Full-time study

The “Applied nanotechnologies” program opened at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of UJEP in the academic year 2013/14. Graduates of master programs in natural sciences and technical fields can enrol for this program.
The program focuses on theoretical knowledge and practical preparation of nanomaterials with an emphasis on:

  • Physical methods for preparation of nanomaterials
  • Chemical methods for preparation of nanomaterials
  • Bionanotechnologies focused on preparation of biosensors
  • Computer design of nanomaterials

The topics of doctoral theses will cover the following issues:

  • Plasma technologies for preparation of nanomaterials
  • Development of nanofiber membranes for environmental applications
  • Synthesis and characterisation of dendrimer nanocomposites with biorecognition ability – development of biosensors
  • Structure and properties of modified polymers for tissue engineering
  • Computer modelling in the development of new dosage forms and polymer nanostructures

A great benefit for our students is the contractual cooperation our faculty with the Association of Nanotechnology Industry of the Czech Republic, which guarantees the possibility of practice, participation in industrial research projects and job offers. The cooperation of the faculty with the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic guarantees the participation of students in research projects and the possibility of further academic careers in research.